Sunday, September 8, 2024


Sloan has always had a penchant for business planning and development. His strategies have brought great success to his many ventures, from online sales to brick-and-mortar stores. He is an advocate for hard work and determination, believing that these are the keys to unlocking one's potential.

5 Awesome Water Bottle Brands for You

As more and more people are moving towards a fitter and healthier lifestyle, hydration is one of the essential things you need to be consistent with. A water bottle is a lifestyle necessity in the modern era since its more sustainable than regular bottles. It offers convenience...

All about Pressure Washer Switch

Keywords: switch, Pressure switch, electric pressure washers All about Pressure Washer Switch How do you plan to start and stop your pressure washer using the switch now that you have purchased industrial pressure washing equipment? To ensure your cleaning personnel does not cause expensive damage to your...

U.S. economy, plagued by worker shortages, added just 194,000 jobs in September

Following a disappointing August, the U.S. economy added a meager 194,000 jobs in September, as a critical shortage of workers hampers the nation's economic growth. The unemployment rate fell to 4.8 percent from 5.2 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday. Economists had been expecting an increase of 500,000 and...

When a city evacuates, who pays the bill for residents’ temporary housing?

As this year’s hurricane season approaches its final month, Djinaba Rickson of Terrytown, Louisiana, is still battling to recover $2,000 — roughly half her savings — in evacuation expenses from her renters' insurance company. Rickson, a 48-year-old single mother, packed up her belongings and her two children and fled to...

Working for companies owned by well-heeled private-equity firms can mean lower wages for employees

Alma Jordan, a certified nursing assistant at the Marcella Center nursing home in Burlington, New Jersey, respected the residents she cared for there over the past 16 years. They were like family, she said, and she believes they’ve appreciated her attentiveness, especially during Covid-19. Not so, the nursing home’s new...

America’s income divide unchanged by pandemic, unless you’re a minority or less educated

The average American's finances are mostly doing just fine in the pandemic economic recovery. But averages can be deceiving. Divided by education, most groups have more than reversed their pandemic wealth losses so far this year, except for minorities and those without high school diplomas. People with college degrees are worth...

World leaders reach landmark deal on global corporate tax rate

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on Friday announced a major breakthrough on corporate tax rates, after years of disagreement. The group of developed nations agreed to a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent. This marks a huge shift for smaller economies, such as the Republic of...